christmas card photo? or not

Hello? Grandma's taking the photo, look this way!

Almost, Ana decided to put on the 'my family is so weird and this dress makes me itch' face.

And, we're all telling Ana to please smile.

There we go ... wait, who's that in the back, Waldo?
No, it's my neice, who doesn't mind having her picture taken at all!
So our kids are at the age (which I thought was over at 3 or 4) where getting a
family photo taken is nothing short of impossible ...

The out-takes are all here. It's not pretty.

Guess we'll have to try again for the family Christmas card photo, eh?


Carol Sc said…
I think we've all had similar family pictures --- just think, you could have taken the picture yesterday and the goosebumps would have been huge! The kids are growing so fast ---you need these for records.
Anonymous said…
I always let my girls choose their own outfits for school picture day, no matter how goofy. In my mind the goofier the better, then you get to show them off to future partners. Future blackmail photos are always good to have around. My oldest still has a picture from middle school that she doesn't allow me to bring out.
Anonymous said…
You could send them to me and I could photoshop them all together into one good one for ya ;) --Heather Z.
Linda said…
wait until thanksgiving and then take a goofy one........everyone will LOVE your card!!!!

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